Digital Strategy and Consulting

Marketing has evolved quickly over the last decade. In the past if you wanted to generate leads for your business you would place an ad in the phone book, make sure your company name started with an ‘A’ and the phone would ring. Those days are done. In today’s Digital Marketing world you have to have a solid and specific online presence if you want to be seen.

At Fireside we fully understand that some small business entrepreneurs like to take a do-it-yourself approach to their digital marketing campaigns and strategies, however, marketing is not typically their full time job. It takes a lot of work to stay up to date with the changing digital landscape. That is where we Fireside Digital comes in. Our team of experts will give you the information you need to get your marketing plan back in line and put your business back in front of your future clients.

Our Digital Strategy and Consulting Services

Our Fireside Chat is a deep dive of your website and provide you with the top ten items you should change or implement to improve your Google Rankings and optimize your conversions once clients land on your page. As part of this service we will also provide you with the resources on how to go about making the changes and implementing the strategies we suggest in a full three-page detailed report. Our turn-around time for this service is typically 48-hours and in most cases once implemented you will see ranking movement in about a week. We also include a 20 minute phone consultation with the Fireside Chat to ensure full-understanding of the detailed items.

Pick our brain on how we can help you increase your revenue, margin, and client base. We love to help businesses grow!